属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-结婚 独生子女政策如何改变了中式婚礼
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东北部交通 轨道变化
1 | 俄罗斯大片土地位于北极圈内,一半的土地有半年以上覆盖着白雪,领土面积的一半有冻土层。 | A larger part of Russia lies north of the Arctic Circle. Snow covers more than half the country six months a year. Almost half the country has permafrost (permanently frozen soil)beneath the ground surface. | |
2 | 她用桦树皮做了许多小船,在上面装好蜗牛壳,让它们飘向大海,其数量之多,胜过新英格兰任何一个商人的船队;可惜大部分都在离岸不远的地方沉没了。 | She made little boats out of birch-bark, and freighted them with snail-shells, and sent out more ventures on the mighty deep than any merchant in New England; but the larger part of them foundered near the shore. | |
3 | 肉柄脊椎动物通常作为一个更大的部分或结构的附着物的茎状结构 | A stalklike structure in invertebrate animals,usually serving as an attachment for a larger part or structure. | |
4 | 随着生产自动化的日益提高,制造费用在制造成本中的比重越来越大。 | As factories have become more highly automated, factory overhead has become a larger part of the total product cost. | |
5 | 在炼这种轻质合金时,就不能先熔小部分的铜,再加进大部分铝。 | It is not possible to make this light alloy by melting the small part of copper and then adding the much larger part of aluminium | |
6 | 这尤其适用于化学工业,化学工业的偶然发现所起的作用要比物理工业和机械工业所起的作用大得多。 | This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries. | |
7 | 这尤其适用于化学工业,化学工业的偶然发现所起的作用要比物理工业和机械工业所起的作用大得多。 | This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries. | |
8 | ||1:拉斯维加斯内华达大学的威廉·姜克维30年来记录了中国的各种关系,他说,在年轻人的生活中,无论是对伴侣的选择还是与父母的相处,爱都日渐重要。||2:这一结果在婚礼上显而易见,因为现在的婚礼专注于夫妻二人,双方父母都出席,但他们只是陪衬。||3:婚礼现场当天通常饰以在此前拍摄的婚纱照,在浪漫的背景下,夫妻穿上一系列服装拍摄婚纱照,但没有家庭成员参与其中。 | ||1:William Jankowiak of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who has documented relationships in China for 30 years, says love plays a larger part in young people’s lives—both in choice of partner and in their relationships with parents. Love is far more often spoken about.||2:The result is evident in weddings, which now focus on the couple. Both sets of parents are represented, but their position is peripheral.||3:Weddings often feature a day of wedding photos, shot before the event, with the couple in a range of outfits against romantic backgrounds, but with no family members. | |
9 | ||1:这样的项目没有建设一个新的高技术铁路那样激动人心。||2:当这些项目被提及时,政府官员往往提不起半点兴趣。||3:北方公共政策研究所的爱德·科克斯如是说。||4:更综合一些的交通运输计划会有帮助。这正在慢慢地实现:从4月1日开始东北部的七个地方政府将会分离一部分职能来组成一个联合机构,类似于曼彻斯特的组织。||5:这将使东北部更具有发言权。||6:当2016年两个北方铁路专营权更新时,当地政府在投标过程中的地位将更重要。 | ||1:Such projects are less exciting than a whizzy new railway.||2:Government officials tend to glaze over when they are mentioned, says Ed Cox of IPPR North.||3:A more integrated approach to transport planning would help.||4:This is slowly starting to happen: from April 1st seven local authorities in the north-east will hive off some functions to a combined authority, similar to the set-up in Manchester.||5:This should give the north-east a stronger voice.||6:When two northern rail franchises come up for renewal in 2016 local authorities will play a larger part in the bidding process. | |
10 | 比例是一个整体,以其较大部分相等的比例较大,部分规模较小的。 | The ratio of a whole to its larger part equals the ratio of the larger part to the smaller. | |
11 | 但是最主要归因于在经济衰退期银行财政政策的改变。 | But a larger part is attributable to a change in the bank’s financing in the depths of the recession. | |
12 | 汇款在全球经济中所占比重越来越大。 | Remittances are a larger part of the global economy than they have ever been. | |
13 | 品牌较强的公司以及品牌业务占集团业务很大比例的公司收到的投资较多。 | There was a higher investment in companies with stronger brands and those whose branded businesses were a larger part of the group. | |
14 | 全球股票价格的翻转可以更多地满足这些资金需求。 | A turnround of global equity prices could deliver a far larger part of those needs. | |
15 | 市场态势也发生了变化,投资者在推升价格方面发挥着更大作用。 | Market dynamics have changed too, with investors playing a larger part in what is driving prices higher. | |
16 | 所起的作用要比在机械工业中起的作用大得多。 | Play a much larger part than they do in mechanical industries. | |
17 | 他们是在旧的能源结构上做的假设,然而煤炭将占能源结构中越来越大的一部分。 | They assume the old energy mix, even though coal will be a larger and larger part . | |
18 | 旋转这个形状,使它大头朝上,并降低图层饱和度到20%。 | Angle the shape so the larger part is facing up, and drop the opacity of the layer down to 20%. | |
19 | 耶鲁大学是一所私立大学,大部分的财政资助都来自非政府组织或个人。 | Yale University is privately-endowed, a larger part of financial aid comes from non-government organizations and individual donors. | |
20 | 造成如今这种局面的一个重要原因在于,美国的风险资本家终于开始承认其二级劳动力的劳动成果。 | A larger part , however, is that U. S. -based venture capitalists are finally recognizing the fruits of their second labors. | |
21 | 总的来说,相比几十年前,同居已经成为更大规模的“成为又一个伴侣”的过程。 | Overall, cohabitation has become a much larger part of the "repartnering" process than was the case a few decades ago. |